Fishing on Little Cayman is a unique experience. There are places where there might be more fish, or bigger fish, but what’s special about the waters of LC is the ease of access, the variety of options, and the almost total lack of fishing pressure.
A typical Little Cayman fishing day starts before dawn, with a trip to Tarpon Lake, which is one of the island’s natural wonders. The Guide will row you out in a small boat, and you’ll hear the tarpon gulping and splashing before the light hits the water. The bite lasts for three or four hours. The fish average around five pounds – so perfect for a six or seven weight fly rod or light spinning gear. If the conditions are right, they’ll take top water lures and flies, which is a thrill even for the most seasoned angler.
After that, you can have a nap in the hammock, and then head out in search of bonefish. They’re wary, and very challenging to catch. Some of them cruise along the trough that’s only a foot or two from the sand, and often they’ll see you before you see them.
For beginners who are looking for their first bonefish, there’s the option of cruising South Hole Sound in search of “muds” – huge schools of bonefish that kick up the sand on the bottom and turn the water milky. With a spinning rod or a fly rod, even a first-timer can cast into one of those schools and have a very good chance of hooking up and experiencing one of those famous bonefish runs.
For those who are hoping for a “Little Cayman Slam” – a bonefish, a Tarpon, and a permit – the last part will be the toughest. There are permit in the waters around the island, but they’re elusive and always seem to turn up when you’re least prepared to cast for them.
In addition to the in-shore fishing, if blue water is your thing – or you’d like to catch your dinner – it’s a very short stream through the reef to very deep and productive waters. Depending on the time of year, there are tuna and wahoo and mahi.
I know most people come to LC to dive and snorkel – or just to relax. But even if that’s your primary goal, it’s well worth throwing a fly rod in your bag.
S. Brunt